Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Education on the fly

So, it seems that we haven't been doing anything structured lately, but don't let that make you think we haven't learned anything!
This weekend, we went to our library's Science Alive! activity day, and it was a blast! The children handled skulls, owl wings, talons, earthworms, cacao pods / beans, dogs, honey bees, robots, magnets, marbles, etc. There were experiments to participate in, nanoparticle counters to watch, and telescopes to win.

Soon, there will be a wonderful new telescope on the market, named the Galileoscope, which I plan on purchasing. The Michiana Astronomical Society is having a night where you can purchase one for $15, and have an astronomer show you how to use it and what you are seeing. I can't wait!!

That was all on Saturday. Then Sunday was our day of rest, with a little church thrown in (which I do not see as rest with three children, but whatever), and on Monday we ventured out to the HealthWorks Museum to learn more about the human body. I didn't bring my camera, but my friend promised to email me photos she took of Chayce dressed up as a tooth. The museum was doing a "How to Brush Your Teeth" skit, and Chayce volunteered to be in it. She made a cute little molar.

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